Delhi Kapashera

Donate in cash or other items to our effort to put a smile on the face of some helpless orphan in society
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Help Team India Foundation
Help Team India Foundation Your One Support Can Change Someone’s Life We are a group of youngsters who runs campaigns to aware people about one of the biggest problems of our country i.e. BEGGING. We want a beggar free India We are all about to create a change in the mindset of people and to provide the help to the needy. Change is not always bring out by strong and muscular body but by a strong will and pure heart. Every person born on this planet is unique , no one is powerless and useless. ‘ HELP TEAM INDIA FOUNDATION ’ is a public platform for wide range of people so that everyone can contribute towards the change. Begging is something that seems that it can’t be eradicated but if everyone contributes then this target can be achieved. Be believe that- Start by doing what is necessary. Then what is possible. Suddenly you will be doing the impossible.

Our Work Areas
There are many people in India who really need your help.
“Judge a country by the place it gives its human.”

India is a country with a number of orphan children, which is scary. An orphanage is a critical setup in the country which is servicing the needs of such children whose parents or guardians are deceased or unable to take care.
Donate & Save Life

Indian health system is yet to be evolved as in the western world. The people in rural part of the country and urban slum dwellers suffer from adverse health conditions. The NGO play a critical role in solving this health crisis in the country by two pronged approach

NGOs for old age are lifesavers in today’s context of fast moving lifestyle. The NGOs in Noida offers the most important aspect to old people which is safe shelter. In today’s context, there are many distressed old people who are left out by their children or people who don’t have any one to take care.

The most powerful weapon in the world is education. A good education to a young child can definitely change the future world to be clean and peaceful.
Team Work / Fund Status
Dedicated Team of HTIF
Your One Support Can Change Someone’s Life

Rajni Kant
Let’s Come Together Together Make This Lovely India A Poor, Helpless People Free
Human Service Is God Service

Durga Charan
Assistant President
Let’s Raise Our Hands Together And Make A Helpless Free India. Service Is Religion.

Rajesh Motilal Porwal
Senior Project Manager
Disabled Blind Poor Man Will Get Full Support From The All Of Our Team, Come Together Make Poor Free India.

Abhishek Kumar
Team leader
Disabled Blind Poor Man Will Get Full Support From The All Of Our Team, Come Together Make Poor Free India.

Vinit Kumar
Member Head
Disabled Blind Poor Man Will Get Full Support From The All Of Our Team, Come Together Make Poor Free India.
If you also want to help the destitute and helpless by joining us, then you send your information to us.
Join our team and help the destitute people Join our team and help the destitute people

Why Would You Fund This Foundation

progressive team
We are a progressive team of working professionals, businessmen, Students and kindred spirits.

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Small Help, Big Need…..Happy to HELP – A call Away!

With You - From Start to Finish
nitiative 2019-Pandemic Outbreak : simpleton aim of HELPing the common
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Your One Support Can Change Someone’s Life